Welcome to Spencer Indiana — the smallest town in the USA with a dedicated Pride Community Center.

The story we’re telling.

This is a documentary about Spencer Pride, and the four people who first met in secret nearly two decades ago desperate to create an inviting space not just for themselves, but for so many others that craved community. Today Spencer Pride is a thriving organization and festival with hundreds of volunteers from all walks of life operating out of a historic building on the town square, just across from the county seat. 

How did this LGTBTQ center manage to do it - win over so many hearts and minds in a small conservative town in rural Indiana? Join and support us to find out.

This film resonates.

Our distribution and impact strategy has the film in pre-release by late 2024, with a nationwide outreach campaign of in-person and virtual screenings in 2025.

  • Film festivals, and regional independent theaters

  • Pride centers and other community venues

  • Universities and High Schools

  • Conferences

  • Non-profits, companies, and other institutions

  • Online community and social platforms