At a time when the country is more polarized than ever, this is a hopeful story from the heartland, showing how Americans can work together to make their community a better place.

A film debunking stereotypes about rural towns, bridging the urban/rural divide, and providing a blueprint for positive change.

Our Crowdfunding Campaign.

(GoFUNDME is the #1 crowdfunding platform for online campaigns)

Crowdfunding is a great way to help build a passionate community of fans and partners before the film is finished. Please back this project at any level, and share it with your friends and networks.

Donations of $100 or more will receive film credit recognition for their generosity.

What You Support.

  • Filming/Production

    We still have interviews to schedule, stories to record, and aspects of Spencer we still need to capture. A large portion of the budget covers the costs of additional filming.

  • Editing & Post-Production

    Editing the film, trailers, and social media content is a vast undertaking that requires a team and resources. Our expertise in this department translates into film quality.

  • Crew Wages, Meals, & Expenses

    We take pride in paying people for working on this film. Our budget includes compensation for working time, meals during working hours, and small expenses like hotel rooms and parking fees.

  • Marketing, Promotion, Distribution

    A film needs an audience. Our budget planning includes the necessary expenses associated with a special screening event, a regional tour, and festival circuits.

Film partnerships.